Sunday, November 07, 2004

Bill Clinton Says...

1993 was a roller coaster of a year in the Clinton White House. While we were full of enthusiasm for bringing change to America, there were a series of setbacks and obstacles that threatened our progress -- Whitewater, the travel office, Vince Foster's suicide, and more. What kept us together more than anything else was the president himself.

This past week, I've been thinking about the president's comments at a staff meeting he called the day after Vince Foster died. His words then apply now to what many Democrats (and other Americans) are feeling. Essentially, times like these bring us together and remind us that we're a team and need to support each other. And while we have to keep working to make a difference in our country, we also have to accept that there will always be things we can't control.

Speaking of Clinton, he commented on the election a few days ago:
"I hope that we'll be able to diminish the culture war, not by getting people to give up what they think is right and wrong, but by getting them to listen to one another and look at one another as people again, and not as cartoons."

In a few weeks, I'm going to Little Rock for the opening of the Clinton Presidential Center. Check back for photos and reports, including views from other Clintonistas.