Friday, November 05, 2004

Michael Moore

If you're not a fan of Michael Moore, you can rest assured you'll hear less about him now that the election is over. But if you do want to hear what he has to say -- and I do -- sign up for email messages at his website.

Today he posted "17 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Slit Your Wrists." No. 3:

"The only age group in which the majority voted for Kerry was young adults (Kerry: 54%, Bush: 44%), proving once again that your parents are always wrong and you should never listen to them."

However, I'm skeptical about his final reason:
"...over 55 million Americans voted for the candidate dubbed "The #1 Liberal in the Senate." That's more than the total number of voters who voted for either Reagan, Bush I, Clinton or Gore....If the media are looking for a trend it should be this -- that so many Americans were, for the first time since Kennedy, willing to vote for an out-and-out liberal."

My concern is that Democrats, Independents, and many first-time voters were united as much against Bush as they were for Kerry. I'm not criticizing Kerry as a candidate -- I think he was a good choice and did an admirable job, particularly in the debates and the final month of the campaign. In 2008, we lose the anti-Bush factor, though anti-Republican sentiment could still be a factor.