Friday, December 03, 2004

GOPers Bury Civil Rights Report Critical of Bush

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has given the White House a report that says the administration has set back race relations and failed to promote civil rights. But you won't hear much about it, because the all the Republican members of the commission voted against adopting it.

Chair and vice chair Mary Frances Berry and Cruz Reynoso said in a letter to the president: "Sadly, the spiraling demise of hope for social justice and healing has deepened over the past four years, largely due to a departure from and marginalization of long-established civil rights priorities, practices and laws."

Berry and Reynoso are two of three Democrats on the commission, with one Independent and four Republicans. Both are retiring next month, and the president gets to appoint their replacements. So much for bipartisanship and any level of credibility for this important body.