Monday, November 29, 2004

Hersh: Bush "completely bonkers"

Reporter and author Seymour Hersh, who broke both the My Lai and Abu Ghraib incidents, had this to say at a recent event promoting his book Chain of Command: The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib:

"Bush is an ideologue, a Utopian. He wants to clean out the Middle East and install democracy. He doesn't care how many body bags come back home. There's nothing more dangerous than an ideologue who is completely bonkers and no one is going to tell him."

Hersh also claimed that the President made a mistake by treating the Taliban as one entity, even though half of its leadership wanted bin Laden out. "The Taliban has survived. Al Queda has survived. We wanted to eliminate crazy people who want to fly planes into buildings. But instead we dehumanized everyone in Afghanistan and Iraq."

Read more.