Friday, November 19, 2004

Welcome to Little Rock. Now Go the Hell Home

A letter to the editor that appeared in today's Arkansas Democrat-Gazette:

Don't Forget the Trailer

Arkansans, beware. The perverts are coming to town. Yes, as we red-state Americans celebrate the opening of deer hunting season, we are being inundated by elite rich, blue-state snobs. They are coming to Arkansas to celebrate two things -- the last nationwide victory and the opening of the library of the first white-trash president. So white trash, in fact, that this throne to the sun king looks like a trailer house on stilts.

Some advice to all you liberals coming to town....Do not wander into the woods around Arkansas the weekend that you are here. The woods will be full of what you consider vile and disgusting, dumb Americans hunting deer. The only problem with that thought is that we are not dumb and we will be armed legally.

We don't want you people here, so do us all a favor when you leave. Rent a truck, put wheels on the trailer house (library) and take it back to New York with you. We don't want Clinton or any of you liberals to be left behind.
