Monday, December 13, 2004

Sunny, Delusional Optimism

"The place where optimism most flourishes is the lunatic asylum." This quote is the perfect opening to this piece by Christopher Brachli. His description of President Bush's response to tough questions is dead-on: "...Mr. Bush's sunny if smirksome expression whenever anyone asks him about how things are going in Iraq. His facial expression suggests that that is about the dumbest question anyone could possibly ask."

Brauchli contrasts the administration's delusional optimism with these assessments:

Richard Armitage, outgoing deputy secretary of state: "Well, it's a bit messy right now....Traditionally, I think Americans support hope and enthusiasm and opportunity, but after 9/11 it was anger and our fear that we exported."

Chuck Hagel (R-NE), who visited top American commanders in Iraq: "I did not find one commander who said to me, 'We're winning.' They're doing everything they can. But we have constantly underestimated the insurgency force and the vitality of the insurgency."